Tulips On The Grave. True Believer.

There will always be love, there´ll always be fear,

There´ll always be sorrow, there´ll always be passion

There will always be days we wish we could go back and make a change

Days we wish we could go back and do the things we left undone

Life is a long road, it´s narrow and full with wholes

It might look like there´s no end of it but behind every turn lies a trap,

Some of them inevitable but I guess that our destiny, I guess it´s life

Cause life doesn´t last forever, there´s nothing as infinity, nothing as eternity

And sometimes we fall as we´re taking false step

As the sorrow grips our heart

Will the sorrow ever leave? Does it ever get easier?

Or do we have to learn how to live with the pain. Does the pain ever fade?

Or as it´s said; after rain the sun always shine

Cause no matter how hard we try to avoid the inescapable

There´s no end of it

So let´s remember the good days

When the sun shone and the edge of the roadway of life was laden with tulips

Because in the end all we got is our memories

And why let the pain possess us

When all those good times are right behind us

Let us look back, let us remember

All the good times might come to an end

But that won´t stop us from keeping them in our minds, in our hearts and bring them with us trough life.

 We´re stronger than that.

Skrivet av: annika

så fin. så sann. <3

Skrivet den: 2011-02-17 Klockan: 09:32:08
Blogg: http://aanniika.blogg.se/
Skrivet av: emma

helt otroligt vacker, precis som du min vän <3

Skrivet den: 2011-02-21 Klockan: 19:06:03

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